Future still unwritten

It has been over a decade since I last tried any studies at university level. But this week I have given it another try.

I am not sure of just what I am letting myself in for, but I am here, letting myself in for the long haul.

I am taking the tourist route this time , aiming to complete the course in around 5 years, part time. But I’m OK with that.

So often I get to a point in my life when I look back and wonder ruefully, “ If only I had begun five years ago..”. And it’s something I want to not have to think five years from now.

Time management skills will be one of the first things that will need to be learned as I progress through the initial few weeks of the course. It’s one thing writing a quick post on here whenever the whim takes me. Quite another to manage sixteen hours a week, every week, for the foreseeable future.

But it is certainly something that can be learned.

For most people I know it’s not that big an issue; they all went to university straight from school and did well enough to start professional careers.

I think I would like to be a professional. For a few reasons. There’s the status, earning potential, equality with my wife and peers. But I think the main reason is that I just think I am capable of it, and have unfulfilled potential.

It’s interesting. One of the things that has motivated me most to go back to studying was that I saw a few people that I was at school with graduated recently and I thought, “if they can do it…”

So can I.

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